Right: This is about half of the stuff we brought from America for the sugar and chemical starved missionaries. They REALLY like microwave pop corn, but it's very expensive, so we brought a bunch. So much that security in Mpls stopped Angie and had to look inside.
You'd be surprised how you miss things from back home.
Ok so a little bathroom documentary here...most places do not have a toilet. It's a "squatting" room. Don't ask any more questions, and you'll be better off. This was the restroom at one of the nicer restaurants in Moshi.
The restrooms are the same at the Kingdom Hall.
Here we are at the other Kingdom Hall in Moshi. The other missionary couple that Jason and Sherri used to live with goes to this one. There is actually an English congregation here.....so we may never come home...
Speaking of missionary homes, as most of you already know, the Branch has basically done away with the concept as it is much easier for the couples to live on their own instead of all together. So a few months ago, the missionary home in Moshi was closed and all three couples who lived there are now in separate places...so much simpler that way.
For any who prefer to look at a chunky white boy instead of scenery, here I am near the Marangu waterfall. At least Angie improves the picture to the right!
Jo'el, I hope your happy now.....
There was a tiny "cave" near the waterfall, we made Angie get down in there. She's got that look that says, "I hope a snake is not crawling up my back right now..."
Hopefully this video will work for you....it's of the singing at the start of Thursday's meeting. A number of the friends arrived late(we'll give em a break since they all walk to the meetings from their homes)... so I should have taped the singing at the end, but you'll get an idea. We sang the last song without music because the sound system failed. Might have had something to do with the sparks that flew out of the power line outside the hall partway through the meeting.
The conductor is sitting because he recently broke his foot/ankle. The brother who had the first part of the service meeting was not there for some reason, so this poor brother quick "ran" up and did the part.
Their local needs was about helping a neighboring congregation who needed serious repairs to their hall. So while these brothers live quite simply, they certainly have a generous spirit. You can see why contributions to the Worldwide work are so important. There are thousands of congregations in need.