Saturday morning. The whole congregation meets together and Jason did the meeting for field service. Then, while everyone else headed to the territory on foot or in a dala dala (minivan bus), we headed up the mountain in Jason's Honda. We would stop and preach to the people along the road, sometimes we didn't even have to get out of the car. Here, Sherri is preaching to some women at a bus stop. Not a single person refused the magazetis (mazagines). Our journey ends at this tiny Kingdom Hall. It was put up by one brother, who, at this time, is the only elder and so conducts every meeting part. We sure have it good back home, don't we?
Now that's using your head! We've seen people, mostly women, carrying flats of bananas, wood, baskets, 5 gallon pails of water (which I think I will have to train my guys to carry water that way when we clean carpets!). It's like they don't even remember the stuff's up there.