So the following pics are from our camera...the little one. An assortment from the whole trip to date. I'll explain as I go.

This is hall cleaning after the Sunday meeting. Another congregation meets in the afternoon and it was a little muddy in the morning. The dada (sister) is using a small wisk broom. They sweep the sand out the door.
The ndugu(brother) wearing the sweater vest also is named I have some nice sweater vests at home for service in the cold of winter but you wouldn't catch me wearing one in Africa! He is auxiliary pioneering this month. Jason works with him often.
Jason, doing the Saturday meeting for serivce. 14 people came

Here's Jason and I standing next to part of the "security fence" at his house. Bougainvillea is absolutely everywhere in the country and on Zanzibar.

Angie is not standing next to a large pile of dino dung. This is the termite mound by Jason's house.

Today we went to the resort owned beach about 1km from the main buildings. They take you over there on a golf cart. We got there when tide was out. The locals get alot done at that time, including planting seaweed for harvest later.

Below I am standing on a huge sand bar that will be completely under water when tide comes in. There are lots of these little dugout boats that will soon be floating again. It only takes about 2 hours for the tide to go from low to high. It really moves in quick!
We walked out on the sand bar and snapped this photo. We walked out twice as far and were still only in knee deep water. There were a number of men who walked out there to spear fish.

After all that hard work Angie and I went for lunch at the bar provided by the resort. Today we both had prawns for appetizer and red snapper for the main course. Crepes for desert....won't be losing any weight on this trip!

And for professional relaxation, you can get one of these beech chairs! We took a more standard approach, but this is like an open air beech condo!