It was quite hot, but the work got done, the congregation was thrilled and all costs amounted to $385.00. Remember that it took four congregations to chip in to accomplish this.
Today there was around 100 people at the meeting. The friends insist on personally greeting each and every one...."Habari asubuhi, ndugu!"((What is your news this morning?)......Nzuri! (good).....Na wewe? (and you?)....Nzuri sana! (very good)....
Angie has a new friend. He sat with her for nearly all the meeting. He's quite active, but super cute. Just today, during the meeting, he discovered he has a belly button! No pictures of that, but that's probably best.
The congregation has about 60 kids in it....It's a real blessing.
Meet of the Ministerial Servants. He is quite busy with congregation matters.
The congregation has a number of young brothers with great potential.
If you greet an older one you say "Shikamoo!"..the response is " Marahabu!"...needless to say, Angie and I were "shikamoo-ed" all too often. As you can see from the pictures, there are many, many kids and all of them are extremely cute!
Most of the friends walk to the meeting or maybe they take a dala dala (mini-bus). Rain or shine. The Moshi congregation is a wonderful example of brotherly love!
And a few street scenes.